{! job.appellationlibelle !}
{! job.salaire.libelle !}
{! job.typeContrat !}
The aeronautical maintenance and support ecosystem is a highlycompetitive and dynamic international environment, facing excitingcommercial, economic, strategic and technical challenges, with constant safety concerns.Encompassing a wide range of complex activities (concurrent engineering, operability analysis, integrated logistics support, lifecyclemanagement, line-base-shop maintenance, repair, modification, support services, supply chain services decomissioning) it plays a key role for defence and civil aviation. It aims at designing, managing and ensuring aircraft continuing airworthiness and safety at acceptable costs with the best availability, while benefiting from technological innovations to create added-value for stakeholders. The Advanced Master AMS-E&M delivers: the appropriate high-level skills and know-how in aircraftarchitecture, maintenance and support delivered by experts, an exposure to the latest techniques and methodsknow-how, innovation, regulations and standards appliedthroughout this value chain. It prepares students to enter the competitive and fast changing global Maintenance & Support industry.
The Advanced Master in Aeronautical Maintenance and Support - Engineering & Management prepares the participants to face the competitive and fast changing MRO (Maintenance Repair Overall) business within the international regulatory framework.
Coût de la formation : Consulter l'organisme
1435 heures
En centre https://www.meformerenregion.fr/formations/650010
Niveau d’entrée : Bac+3 à Bac+5;
Institut Supérieur de l'aéronautique et de l'espace (ISAE)